
Make your voice heard & support your community


Becoming a member of Ohio City Incorporated is a great way to show support for your community and qualifies individuals to vote on leadership, governance and community issues.

There are two types of individual memberships:

Resident members are any individual member who lives within the Ohio City Neighborhood. Resident members are eligible to vote.

Associate members are those individual members who do not live within the boundaries of Ohio City. Associate members are not eligible to vote.

There are three types of organizational memberships:

Business members are businesses with a physical location in Ohio City. Business members are eligible to vote.

Institutional members are nonprofit organizations with a physical location in Ohio City. Institutional members are eligible to vote.

Associate members are businesses or nonprofits that are not physically located in Ohio City. Associate members are not eligible to vote.

A resident member who also qualifies as a business or institution member shall be entitled to one vote as a resident member and one vote as a business/ institution member. Therefore no one person shall be entitled to more than two votes.

All members of OCI must be at least 18 years of age.

Already a Member?


If you have already set up your membership account in the new system, you can log into the membership portal here!