Neighborhood Vision

Project Background

To ensure the Ohio City neighborhood maintains its historic integrity, long-term affordability, and walkable, transit-connected urban character, Ohio City Incorporated put out an RFP for a consultant to lead a process that would help develop neighborhood-wide design guidelines. The intention is to conduct this process in a community driven, equitable manner that comprehensively examines the variety of factors that affect the Ohio City neighborhood, and allows ongoing opportunities for community input. This process will culminate in the creation of new design guidelines, with a focus on infill development opportunities, housing typologies, long-term affordability, and preservation of the community’s architectural character.

Project Process

The consultant reports directly to the Project Steering Committee, composed of Ohio City residents and stakeholders, and will conduct a minimum of 3 public meetings, 3 steering committee meetings, and additional meetings with stakeholders, residents, and community members as necessary.


The consultant will host 3 public meetings, co-facilitated by Councilman Kerry McCormack and Ohio City Incorporated. These meetings are open for anyone to attend, and will provide a platform for information sharing, conversation and feedback. Complimentary food and childcare will be provided at each meeting. All locations are ADA accessible, and Spanish translation will be provided. 

Introduction to the Planning Process
Thursday, December 6th - 6-8pm
Franklin Circle Church - 1688 Fulton Rd.

Interactive Design Charrette
Thursday, January 31st - 6-8pm
Urban Community School - 4909 Lorain Ave.

Final Recommendations, Next Steps
Wednesday, March 6th - 6-8pm
St. Malachi Parish - 2459 Washington Ave.

To submit input our questions on this project or process outside of these public forums, please fill out this web form.


The Project Steering Committee is composed of Ohio City residents and stakeholders, and will be consulted throughout the process. 







Committee Members: Tim Barrett, Freddy Collier, Carl Cook, Jade Davis, Karen Desotell, David Ellison, Alan Fodor, Alex Frondorf, Kathleen Knittel, Lakisha Legg, Al Mancuso, Srinivas Merugu, Annie Pease, Jerry Peña, Mitch Pollack, Helen Qin, Patty Roberts, Priscilla Rocha, Megan Rubado, Roger Scheve, Julia Sieck,  Cynthia Triplett, Julie Trott, Ramonita Vargas, Krissie Wells, Joel Wimbiscus

Steering Committee Meeting Notes:
November 28th Meeting Notes 
Presentation - January 23rd, 2019
January 23rd Meeting Notes
January 23rd Meeting Notes, Continued


Through this process, the consultant is charged with:

1. Updating the historic district guidelines
2. Reviewing existing plans for development
3. Mapping availabile sites for infill development on commercial corridors and the interior of the neighborhood (“new construction”). 


Ohio City is home to the City of Cleveland’s largest landmarks district. The current guidelines were written in 1992. With the addition of several new historic districts and new development practives, amendments to the guidelines are needed. An intention for the updated guidelines includes a user-friendly, electronic document that is rich in content and illustrations.

Historic District Guidelines
Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
Secretary of Interior's website 


The guidelines for new construction will take into account existing building typologies, gaps in existing plans, traffic patterns and parking, public space, existing and planned trail networks, and preserving and augmenting affordable housing options in the neighborhood.

The final output will include:

1. New neighborhood design guidelines that include illustrative recommendations for appropriate commercial and residential housing typologies and design.
2. Recommendations for provision of new and retention of existing affordable commercial and residential units in the Ohio City neighborhood. These could include inclusive zoning overlays, recommendations for tax policy changes for long term residents, etc.
3. Presentations of results to the public, Cleveland City Planning, Landmarks Commission, and Cleveland City Council.